Graduating With Tiffany & Co.


Jewelry: Tiffany & Co.

Bonjour à tous!

About a year ago, I realized that it would only be a matter of time before I graduate college. I started to think about my graduation day outfit, shoes, and of course, my class ring. If you’re in a country that offers graduation rings during your last year of school, whether it be high school, college or beyond, you understand the “need” to hold on to those memories with a little memorabilia. But there are downsides to buying a class ring.

Class rings are great pieces of jewelry to remember your years of hard work, sweat and tears, but let’s be honest. The majority of us will rarely or never wear our class rings after we leave our educational institutions, mostly because of their bold and overwhelming appearance. Also, many class rings are completely valueless.

While debating on whether or not I should spend 400 t0 750 dollars on a ring, I remembered that the great world of Tiffany & Co. exists.


Let me just say right now that I love sterling silver, which is why I love Tiffany & Co. Not only do you get variety in price and style, but you are getting quality and value for your money.


Substituting a traditional class ring for a ‘Tiffany’s’ ring is a cheaper decision and a smarter decision. Take the cheapest ring at Tiffany’s for example. It costs $125. Tiffany and Co. offer modifications and engraving, giving you a chance to personalize your ring to your liking. Even after making these changes, the cost of the ring will still lie under $400. Also, the ring still has value to it. There’s a higher chance of being able to sell a Tiffany & Co.-brand ring than a traditional class ring.


Tiffany & Co. 37 Wall St, New York, NY


You will never be disappointed with the little blue box.

Merci for tuning in this week!

À la prochaine,
